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Què cal tenir en compte a l’hora de comprar una nina sexual?



Therefore, my wife not only expressed her approval, but also hoped that I would get a doll. With so many choices, where should I start. Silicone / tpe / size / weight / function. I want to hear your opinion, what did you choose - and why? How to make a good decision without knowing what I am deciding. Save $ now, so I have time to figure it out. This is attracting my eyes and let me start with a doll companion. Really cute face, convincing! That body is built like a woman. I think they just provide a really good combination for stock photos. I am going to work, so this doll will be my partner. My wife is 15 years older than me (not a spring chicken), so she can't handle my drive personally. She is not interested in dolls, but thinks that if I have one, even in our bed is a good idea, as long as she can read her book. She said that sex dolls are completely my decision. She doesn't want to be included in shopping, I have tried it. The sex doll budget is not only important, it will be the primary consideration. I want a TPE sex doll price and hope to be lower.

seleccionar maquillatge silicona

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Because you seem to have the consent of your wife, ask her to participate in the decision. This nina del sexe is just because she is sick/sexually low or both of you have added something new to your marriage. You deserve a feeling that you all feel comfortable with. This is a homework. Once the top is nailed, start looking around. You can get advice from others, but don't use it as a gospel. The sex doll that suits you best is what you like. Is there a specific doll that you continue to go back to see its photos? (assuming it is in your $$ range). Ask questions based on real-world factors rather than opinions. Any appearance is possible. The doll ranged from a slutty porn star to a girl next door. About sex doll prices. Is the sky the limit or is there a budget? This can limit what you get. Although I started using and owning multiple silicone dolls, I think the TPE doll is a good entry doll. They give weight, exercise, and impersonation. Silicone sex dolls can be offered at a cheaper price, just in case you get a second or third or fourth. I wish your search is smooth.

2019-06-27 02:22:29

My wife knows, too. True, I think of her badly. I told another friend that he seemed to accept it, even if he was a little curious, even though he hadn't met her yet. I plan to tell others when the appropriate opportunities arise. This is one of the reasons why I need to become more active in the real sex dolls world. In my experience, I think this is the way to present them.

Unlike platinum-cured high-end silicone, these dolls are made of medium-quality silicone. Some are made of thermoplastic elastomers, which are not as durable as materials. Over time, your doll may leak internal grease and lose its realistic fleshy quality. They can be used continuously many times, not as many as high-end products.

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