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Alguns comentaris sobre la compra de nines sexuals



I have been reading some of the questions I can get about buying a doll for the first time. One tip is to talk to the manufacturer about what I should do. The dolls that caught my attention were listed on several seemingly legitimate websites, so I'm sure they are just retailers... they will let me bypass them and talk to the manufacturer. Is TPE seemingly popular to be a good choice? (mainly using gender, family members who are panicked). Anyone know if the following dolls are made in the USA? I saw that I want to avoid using Chinese. Does this doll have any cheap copies floating around. So far, I have found that there are urdolls doll shops offering the sex dolls I want. Has anyone bought any sex dolls on this site? Can you give me some feedback? How do sex doll hair/wigs.

Adquisitiu Suggerir TPE

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All TPE sex dolls are made in China. But that doesn't mean they are not good dolls. They cost much less, but you get them faster. I bought 100cm Tanabe here 2 months ago. She is my first personality doll. She looks very beautiful, I like it very much. I am planning to buy my second nina del sexe at urdolls. Anyway, I recommend urdolls as the first doll. If you break her, or decide that the doll is not for you, you don't break the bank or wait 3 months to 2 years to get her. The doll you mentioned sounds like a TPE doll and the price is a bit steep. I got some dolls from him, including this incredible doll. If you don't know which doll you are referring to, it's hard to guide you to the manufacturer. I can't keep up with all the TPE dolls or sellers, so your name is a bit ambiguous.

2019-06-27 02:44:46

The woman I should fall in love with (supposedly) will be treated like a piece of rubber, slid politely under the bed and covered with a blanket. I think one of my male friends is acceptable and the other two are, I'm pretty sure they won't be satisfied. Definitely worth pondering. Wish you decide to do anything. A safe way for both of you to test the water is to try and show the website of a real sex dolls maker to anyone you want to tell.

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