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Un dels productes més cars de les nines sexuals japoneses

The head of the artificial intelligence company of the sex doll company told The Sun that we have begun to deliver the first pre-order units of our robots to our customers. "Our first robot head has about 350.

However, he said that the head of the Nina sexual japonesa is still under development and the second edition will have more progress. He said: "The second batch will add some new features to the head, such as cameras for facial and object recognition in the eye, facial touch sensors, built-in speakers and more facial expressions."

The second batch will add some new features to the head, such as cameras for face and object recognition, actual touch sensors, built-in speakers and more facial expressions. He told us. But the app has now been upgraded to "preview" mode to inspire interest in robotics.

Recently, experts have expressed concern about the increasing popularity of sexual robots, which may turn the Japanese into “endangered species”. Ms. Stanley, who runs an adult goods store near Birmingham, said to the Star: "In terms of personalization, whether it is a celebrity, a dead spouse or a person who wants it."

Japanese sex doll manufacturers help sad men by reshaping their dead wife with silicone. This brings a new meaning! The mother of four beauty runs a sex doll shop, a company that offers special bereavement services - the condolence doll appears in the image of the deceased relatives.

The overall situation is quite different. Sex dolls are one of the most expensive products in the sex toy industry, and it is estimated that by 2020, the value of this product will reach an astonishing £38 billion. You also need to pull out more silicone love doll body and stick your head on it.

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