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Noves tendències en tecnologia sexual Nines japoneses

"If a sexual relationship with a real woman is 10 years old, then a sex doll is 8 years old, eight and a half years old," said a man named Brick, who was the first person to test a silicone doll robot last year. One.

The app controls all head animations, emoticons and conversations. A special Bluetooth speaker can be installed on the head of the robot to make it look as if it is talking.

Other technologies include wireless technology that enables people to remotely motivate their partners and has emerged in market vibrators. A friend-friendly doll customer ordered a model that looked like a friend's girlfriend, but the trend was strange. The strange event echoes the previous comments of Nina sexual japonesa.

The robots made our home appliances, cleaned the house, and made food for us - but now they will change the way we reach our climax. “I miss her very much,” he added, because the sex dolls have returned to the company headquarters for further work.

Sexual robots are essentially realistic TPE dolls with complex movements and "regions" that mimic humans and make them playable. It is said that men are ordering dolls that look like friends and girlfriends. The owner of the Japanese sex doll explained: "She can judge whether she is lying down. She can judge whether she is shaking or shaking.

The four mothers are one of the UK's leading TPE sex doll retailers, creating incredible detailing products to meet the most demanding needs of their customers. So let's take a look at real sex dolls, which is a new trend in sexual technology. The growth phenomenon of brothel neutral dolls.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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