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El mercat de les nines sexuals japoneses és cada cop més gran

In a lifetime, men will spend more than $ 30,000 on dating and are usually disappointed by women who only use them. The size of the doll is designed to the highest standards to satisfy public preferences, but it is not overly exaggerated and surprising. The public's perception of dolls is moving in the direction of acceptance, and the ideas of silicone partners are becoming mainstream.

Nowadays, the openness of people's minds is getting higher and higher, and the sex toys are no longer the things that have been hurt by people. The sex toys have been gradually accepted in the world, so the sex dolls are increasingly in the world market. Big, although sex dolls are still relatively expensive, people's living standards are getting higher and higher, and there are still many people who can buy them. We all know that sex dolls are a tool used to replace real people to achieve sexual gratification. So what are the characteristics of sex dolls?

Entity Japanese sex dolls and inflatable dolls are not in a grade. The physical dolls are made of all-silicone without inflation, so the price is very expensive, generally around tens of thousands of yuan, which is not acceptable to the average person, but with People's living standards have improved, and nowadays people are enjoying more and more, so the physical dolls are gradually becoming popular.

El sòlid Nina sexual japonesa uses a non-inflatable design of all-silicone design, so the shape is relatively large and cannot be folded and stored like an inflatable doll. This is a bit unacceptable for the Chinese people, but as the Chinese people's minds gradually open up, The acceptance of the physical doll will also slowly improve. Although the price of a physical doll is high, it is a good choice to pursue a high-quality human entity doll.

Also talk about smart entity dolls. Ordinary dolls can't satisfy people's needs. There are already smart doll manufacturers in China. Smart dolls can be intelligent dialogues. The whole body has temperature, it will blink, the mouth will be slightly moving, and the intelligent doll is also called robot doll. This is a breakthrough in the current ordinary doll, but also realized the intelligent, informational.

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