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Per això he venut nines sexuals



Before that, I owned a TPE doll from other websites. She is short and is a very good beginner doll. I want to see if I really like to have a piece before investing in a big chunk. She is small, and I am very disappointed that this face looks more like a pretty than a photo on the website. There is no factory makeup on the face. Like most men, I will paint more Mona Lisa than Ms. Her fingers are also very loose and impractical. All of this is why I sold her. I have lost about $1,000 for about 3 months. But this is a reasonable investment to see if I really want to pursue this, I did it.

net Vagina TPE

Una resposta:



As for the reason why I came to nina sexual tpe, the relationship with real women is really pure frustration. I have been married 4 times and have a lot of accommodation. I can fairly say that it is difficult for me to live with her. I have unrealistic expectations for women, and I am too picky about their appearance. At the age of 41, women I regularly date have a lot of stretch marks, tattoos and weight problems. Although I know this is super thin and superficial. But I can't help the fact that I am not inspired by women with these characteristics.

2019-08-02 04:15:09

The dog pose is the one I would recommend, and you can easily use it to feel her breasts. And how flexible it is, you can even fold your fingers and squat like a dog. In short, a flawless love doll. Even if the workmanship is worse than the actual silicone doll, this inflatable silicone doll will give you a pleasant feeling.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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