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Estic feliç d’explicar la meva decisió de compra de nines



I have been trying to follow but have not responded to questions like this that raise questions that I can't reasonably answer. But soon I mentioned the race. I remember this topic is here and I hope to share it. Because I think you will really be interested in its content: What is the heritage or ancestor of your doll? : There are a lot of doll designs that seem to come from all over the world through this look very cool, I highly recommend you do this. As for the question of the person who chose an anime doll for my first doll. I am happy to explain my decision, on the other hand I can't answer your question.

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Els urdolls nina sexual tpe Kaede is 161 cm, which is exactly my size. Although her fabric is very good, it is made very well and the body shape is very realistic. Her lightness naturally makes it easier for me to pick her up and pose for her. (She has a skeleton), because she is a fabric, she won't catch a cold, she will be a great hug partner. The last reason I chose a tpe sex doll was because my size was only $1,350. And my size silicone costs $3,000-4,500. A silicone doll that is 15 cm shorter than me costs $2,500-3,000, and a cost of $5,000-10,000 is up to me.

2019-08-02 02:43:31

It has medical quality, is more expensive, more durable and softer than ordinary silicones. Therefore, we are in a high-end position. It's best not to overdo it with common sense and strictly follow the instruction manual. If there is no instruction manual in your box, it is recommended that you check out the doll page on the website where you ordered the doll, or contact their customer support by phone or email.

If you are looking for value, not an Asian and looking for a European sex doll, then Jennifer is one of the best dolls you can choose. Not only does she have a beautiful appearance and excellent workmanship, but the price is also competitive. If you are looking for a genuine doll from a well-known sexdoll manufacturer, it is difficult to find such a high doll at this price.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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