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Creuen que estic fent alguna cosa negatiu per a Sex Doll



The zoo is always busy, so I won't be doing any sex dolls there anymore. I would recommend public places and other public places where photography is common. The best time is the few people in the neighborhood. Unless they ask for it, my photos will not contain real people, and very few. I never faxed people faces online. This can lead to legal problems. I have a model release form, but I rarely accept me. I used to take some photos in a shopping mall for adventure. The mall staff didn't like me there, although there was no sign prohibiting photos, there was no information about photography on the mall website. When I was there, about half of the mall stores had moved out. Maybe they think I am doing something negative for a sex doll newspaper or magazine.

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I will not enter areas that are identified as "high crime rate areas." I don't care about the 'city' setting, so I won't miss any nina del sexe opportunities. Since I work alone (as most doll owners do), I am constantly aware of the surrounding environment and are wary of others. "Cautious is wise, because there is a scourge!" - Ray Blybury. I also try not to go on hot days, because my sweat will mess up my clothes. I went out after the rain, but never before or during. I went out during the blizzard, but I put a bag on the camera. The snow is very wet. We have not stayed outside for a long time. Before shooting any location. It is best not to go there without a doll and to scout the area.

2019-09-09 04:35:59

As for the flexibility of the type from one doll to another, it can change. On my 161 WM, the breasts are firm, and on my 170 WM, they are like a real woman, very soft. As for the skeleton of warehouse management, there is no complaint, all members are very easy to fold, and there will be no problem after eight months. To move it, you can also use an armchair / wheelchair.

Now, when Isobel's dress fell below her hip, the queen ordered her to put it on the table. The robe rolling from under the feet stepped on the floor, and then slowly and surely stepped towards the dais. She knew what would happen if the queen buried her face in her pussy. Isobel lay on the table, spread his legs, and watched the queen stare at her.

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