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Estic preparant la meva futura compra de nines sexuals



I want to buy a sex doll, I am confused. I want something light and thin, but I need a little thing with a soft, haha. I am looking for a real doll body with a gel (butt video makes me hooked) one. Because I heard her ass is amazing and a boy's body 3 gel size and ass gel. However, based on the feedback and photos I have heard and seen, I cannot conclude. So anyone can help compare these. Or post a photo of their sex dolls with their ass and cat details? I need help.

Pell Vagina TPE

Una resposta:



Too soft sex dolls shaking the butt and lightweight is the opposite of extremes. But you have come to the right place. Yes, I think that "big and flexible" tends to become heavy and embarrassing when you really need to move that big and clumsy loot. Carrying a bag of 50 pounds of dog food is always the best choice for simulating the weight of a nina del sexe. If you find yourself satisfied with it (and remember that many full-size dolls weigh 15 to 30 pounds more than that), maybe a bigger girl is right for you. I am doing my own squat preparation for my future doll purchase. But from a serious perspective, buying a sexy sex doll is an important part.

2019-09-09 03:44:17

Knowing she has a doll and will "stop" looking elsewhere will reassure her and she will understand your gestures. Because if one day she is tired of seeing you go somewhere else, and she follows you and surprises you with a doll, you are shocked! In any case, the problem to be solved is very subtle. If your wife suspects you are cheating on her while you are with you.

Women tend to be crazy about issues related to relationships (compared to sex dolls). Overthinking is common in interpersonal relationships. In this case, simple actions that may not be intentional actually determine the fate of interpersonal relationships. Women tend to lose their rationality when deciding on interpersonal relationships and eventually become overconfident (not cool).

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