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Els mitjans de comunicació estan preocupats per problemes de propietat de nines sexuals D Cup



From the first day, sex dolls have always liked and been advertised. If someone has seen the documentary "The Century of Self", they will talk about it. The fact that people are happy and happy. Hitler's emotional movement strategy is the foundation of modern media. Promotion. This is in the documentary, when I saw it, my chin fell. I used sex dolls, but they made the game nervous.

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Nina sexual are limited by the "normal" concept. “Normal” is constrained by historical “leaders” who define it according to their own ideas and prejudices. Like sheep, the human race has followed. Even in the face of overwhelming logic, science and anecdotal evidence are just the opposite. There is no “normal” about human sexuality (based on the reasons outlined in my blog), and when the global community faces important and pressing issues, the media is troubled by doll ownership issues (and a lot of humanity). solve. Slavery, overpopulation, environmental damage, inequality, wisdom decline, domestic violence, sustainability. This is definitely an appreciation of sex dolls, men like female sculptures. Men are male, even until they are in their 80s or even longer.

2019-08-13 07:11:46

God has fun, and as far as I am concerned, even the physical light does not give me special pleasure, which is good after I cannot be selected as the right person. My doll is much better sexually (her vagina is better) emotionally than my flesh.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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