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Tinc dues belles nines sexuals de la Copa D de dues germanes encantadores



Media misunderstanding: What misunderstandings are most troublesome for sex doll owners. I hope that you all feel very happy. By the way, I have started to use the very good idea of ​​sex dolls to read the previous posts, instead of having everyone respond to themselves to respond to the FAQs of the researcher's doll owners. Anyway, I want to know that the misunderstanding of the sex dolls in the media is the most troublesome. The media I refer to mainstream media - such as magazine articles, online articles, television, etc.

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The point I want to emphasize is that I am not from that kind of media. I am a nina del sexe scholar/researcher, not a reporter. Anyway - Media misunderstanding: In your opinion, what are these and what misunderstandings are most troublesome for you? This 5-foot little girl is very good. The real doll body 4/5, boy toys also belong to this type. The face of a sex doll is like an art sculpture. His body is so sexy. They are like "attic" models. I have two cute doll sisters. They are sculptures and beautiful masterpieces. Just like having a perfect wax figure, you can also play. All my dolls have different sizes. I like them very much, but I must say that this is my last sex doll. Having her is like winning a lottery.

2019-08-13 06:22:15

To save weight, once they put the doll on the bed, they theoretically no longer need to move the doll. Women definitely have an advantage over men in this regard, but the fact remains that we should add a commissioning program that considers installing dolls on women's beds.

Buy a smaller male masturbator, if you don't want to blindly spend $1,000+ to buy a realisitc sex doll without trying it first, you can spend less to buy a smaller male masturbator product and try again. These products are made of the same materials as the full-size sex dolls, and usually come from the same manufacturer. They will give you the same feeling when using the product, so whether you like it or not, you can get a good idea. This option still requires you to spend some money, but if you don't like the product, you will only spend a few hundred dollars instead of more.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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