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El propietari està molt interessat en la meva nina sexual japonesa



This is the opposite of a Japanese sex doll that I fixed when I rented an apartment two or three years ago. He saw the doll wearing her uniform and ran out of the room. The landlord is very interested in dolls. Later, the repairman, a fairly pretty guy (20s to 30s) seemed to be very happy with these dolls. In their time, they were very expensive, and I ended up with three of them, where they were very interesting. The landlord can explain to him that this big doll is nothing to fear. I only have one doll at a time. So everyone uses it? No. Just because people are different. In the same interview, the landlord thought that the inflatable doll was out of date.

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Nina sexual japonesa can be daughters or mistresses. They are very happy to serve you. But I am afraid to blame myself because they are easy to develop. You can play dolls in many places. Classic faces are very good. On that day, sex dolls bend their knees, but like most inflatable devices, you really need a degree of "imagination" to make them attractive and soft. The face is usually not my type, but the ratio is so balanced! But I don't like changing face systems, my mouth can open, I think if they don't, they will look more vivid. I just found a post on the website. I hope he doesn't mind if I link to it. It tells you all about Best place to buy sex dolls.

2019-09-23 04:49:47

You will have a skinny and fat doll with big butt. The body is a little round. In TPE, there is a baby doll with a pretty belly, but I know more of it as generous as a fairly pretty butt, super thin waist and chest, I don't know all the dolls on the template you are looking for. Wouldn't you be the only one who wasn't my itinerary, and monogamy leveled from you with your harem? Allow time after cleaning up! Swing you and others!

What are the advantages of TPE sex dolls compared to sex dolls made of other materials (such as silicone, fabric or rubber)? Softness-TPE is soft and realistic to the touch. Just like a real woman, the skin of your TPE sex doll will become soft and smooth by correct shaking and movement. Other materials (such as silicone and rubber) are much harder and therefore will not feel real and will not provide the right amount of shaking.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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