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Em sorprèn provar de nou la nina sexual japonesa



My first personality doll is really disappointing. This is a basic inflatable doll that costs about $20. I don't remember the exact name or model, but it looks like this, the best I remember: although I feel very keen overall, I am still surprised to try the doll again. Especially considering the future dolls, I don't have a good experience. The next one is a vibrating electronic skin blowing doll. Although I think my one is a blonde? There is also a doll. I don't remember it at all. I only remember that it was too bad. I had to modify the vaginal opening of the sex doll to fit and comfort.

robot Lubricant Pit

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My remaining Nina sexual japonesa can be found in this thread. This method failed because it weakened the vinyl and teared it. No matter how I patch it, it no longer keeps the air. My first choice was a cheap inflatable product with a cluster of hair attached to the face that only adhered to the front end when the top of the mask encountered vinyl. She didn't last long, I actually had forgotten her. Many years later, Stacey entered my life. I look alike. I was taken care of by my friends in the early 1980s. We are all nerds, and in the foreseeable future, no one of us is at risk of being laid down, so this is not a cruel joke. I was still very naive at the time. I know the purpose and use of love dolls. But don't know the details - just like you need oil.

2019-09-23 05:01:48

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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