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La part de disseny de la nina d'amor és per a un ús i comoditat més fàcils

The smaller size also makes it easy to pass through pretty doorways or narrow corridors, and it is less likely to accidentally hit the doll while carrying it around. However, on the other hand, there are also certain frustrations in using pretty Love Dolls. The most striking thing is that it has only one orifice, usually the vagina.

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What are they made of? Like typical sex dolls, mini Nina sexual TPE are made of TPE or silicone material, so they provide the same realism as their larger counterparts. There is no real difference between the two, and the manufacturing process is the same. Therefore, quality and durability have the same high standards (as long as you find a high-quality manufacturer like here). The design part of the pretty doll is for easier use and convenience. For example, because its frame is lighter (weight less than 5 kg), it is much lighter to carry it in your home, especially when you live in a house with stairs and perform certain physical requirements. The sex position will be less tiring. The smaller size also makes it easy to pass through pretty doorways or narrow corridors, and it is less likely to accidentally hit the doll while carrying it around. However, on the other hand, there are also certain frustrations in using pretty Love Dolls. The most striking thing is that it has only one orifice, usually the vagina. This is because the pretty size makes it difficult to install additional orifices in the body of a pretty sex doll, and it also makes it very difficult to include non-removable inserts (hence most of them have a built-in vagina). In addition, certain normal activities may also seem impractical. For example, dancing with your doll may be strange because she may hang in the air. Finally, buying clothes may not be easy, because most sizes are not suitable for your pretty doll.

2021-11-10 09:43:57

Compra ara per gaudir del servei de lliurament gratuït per Nina sexual japonesa. Maintenance/storage and maintenance of your pretty dolls are no different from sex dolls. Disinfect and wipe her after every use, especially after sexual activity, because the bacteria will fester over time and cause harm to your health. In addition, although durable, the pretty dolls are also made of TPE and silicone, so they may encounter the same problems, such as material tearing. Therefore, you must be cautious when using pretty dolls. Porous material-it is a porous material, which means that it is a material with pretty pores, such as pores. This means that liquid may be trapped in the holes of the TPE, and if the TPE doll is not properly cleaned, bacteria and bacteria will grow in these holes. Cannot be sterilized-Porous materials cannot be sterilized in nature. The quality depends on the mixture-the quality of TPE, that is, its smoothness, largely depends on the formula of the mixture, so TPE dolls of different manufacturers may be different. Since each manufacturer uses its own formula, it is also possible to mix unknown materials into it. Newer materials-TPE dolls are newer inventions. Therefore, some of the techniques used to produce these dolls are not so sophisticated. It is obvious that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, especially when many problems with TPE dolls occur only due to the use of poorly mixed TPE. Therefore, it is important to buy dolls from reputable TPE manufacturers! We understand this, which is why all our TPE doll manufacturers are carefully reviewed to ensure that we work with the best manufacturers. Go to our store now to buy TPE dolls!

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