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Nines realistes Això els permet recrear la seva fantasia a través de boniques nines d'amor

Dolls that look real These boy sex dolls come in a variety of different shapes and sizes, and can even be customized to best suit the tastes of individual customers. For sex dolls, you are really worth the money, so although the basic model is just basic, the more expensive dolls do look and feel very realistic. Gay men choose to buy sex dolls for various reasons.

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Check the legal price. Price is a good indicator of whether a website is trustworthy. Sex dolls under $1,000 are obvious signs of scams. The price may be attractive, but no legal sex doll can be sold so cheaply (unless it is a pretty doll). Authentic TPE sex dolls usually sell for more than US$1500-2000 (depending on the brand and size), while silicone Nina d'amor usually sell for more than US$2000-3000. Woody Allen explained it well: "Don't condemn masturbation. Have sex with someone you really admire." In this millennium, sex has been wiped out. Being familiar with personal pleasure makes everyone more free. The history of sex dolls is as old as humans. Men have been dreaming about the possibility of having a sex doll. Since prehistoric times, through Greek mythology, male desires have not changed. Pygmalion also brought her gift to the altar. In front of her, he no longer whispered timidly, "God, if you can really give everything, I have a wish: I want her to be my wife, like ivory The same woman!". The goddess Aphrodite who attended her feast understood the true meaning of this plea, so the flame symbolizing the mercy of the goddess on the altar was reignited here three times and flew upwards.


2021-11-10 09:49:07

These boy sex dolls come in a variety of different shapes and sizes, and can even be customized to best suit the tastes of individual customers. For Nina sexual TPE, you are really worth the money, so although the basic model is just basic, the more expensive dolls do look and feel very realistic. Gay men choose to buy sex dolls for various reasons. Most men buy one for simple pleasure. Dolls act as physical substitutes for real human partners, and are especially beneficial when a man wants a more comprehensive experience than simply masturbating. Nakajima lives alone in a pretty apartment. He named the doll Saori and put on clothes every day. he likes. This spring, 58-year-old Nakajima met this adult doll. At that time, due to work reasons, he often traveled without a wife. He is inevitably a little lonely. Maybe it's loneliness, maybe it's a coincidence. Uncle Nakajima accidentally saw an adult shop on the Internet. Nakajima opened a store and bought the first character doll in his life, named "Xiaohui". However, there are also pretty love dolls with more fantasy and anime appearance. You will notice that these dolls can have exotic hair colors, such as pink or blue, and you can choose to customize elf ears or anime with eyes. This is to cater to fantasy/anime lovers, because usually characters like elves are short in stature. Therefore, this allows them to recreate their fantasy through pretty love dolls.

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