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Ella serà la meva primera nina sexual japonesa



Hello everyone, I want to buy a full Japanese sex doll budget of 5000 $ (including shipping). She will be my first doll. I am not sure where to start or where to go. Looking for a month, still don't know yet, I don't know if I can trust which website, I hope she can become a reality with smooth skin (silica gel) (Asian style). In this price range, I will focus on the United States. Made on dolls to avoid overseas shipping and customs expenses. There are some mid-range Asian dolls, but getting money there (especially going to China) can be risky. The best option might be a boy toy. Originally used cartoon faces, but recently made some realistic faces. For Japanese sex dolls seems to be the most realistic.

robot Adquisitiu japonès

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However, according to the report of everyone, even the faces of other Nina sexual japonesa. There are also big and amiable lips, and they tend to grow up on you. This is a good hobby, if you choose a reputable manufacturer urdolls, you might like it very much. They combine a very smooth and wonderful skin texture with the fidelity you are looking for. This is the most tolerant for your first doll. The skeleton is loose and has no finger lines, so it is less likely to tear or puncture. I believe they also have an Asian limelight. Presley is my favorite. So many choices have been given to you, the best way is to browse all forums. Look through the album and find a doll that appeals to you. That's it, just like in real life, your favorite Japanese sex dolls are available.

2019-10-07 03:21:09

A part of the sex doll market is willing to buy second-hand sex dolls in order to save the cost of buying new sex dolls. For many people, this doesn't seem ideal. Don't they worry about the cleanliness and condition when buying second-hand sex dolls? Using a sex toy that another man has used before may seem a bit out of date, but the truth is that using the right cleaning techniques, even if it is not cleaner than when she left home, can make playing with the idol's new doll just as good. factory. We will introduce the cleaning process in this article, which is the process used by the sex doll brothel to clean the dolls between two customer visits. In addition, there are many second-hand sex dolls that have not even been used! The owner just decided that he didn't want it anymore soon after purchasing her. Now that your preconceived notions and examples of second-hand sex dolls have been shattered, let's get started.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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