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Podeu utilitzar simplement la nina sexual japonesa com a mercaderia



I blowjob machines agree with the previous Japanese sex doll post. And added that any choice would be expensive. If you charter a private jet, I believe this is possible. Because you don't have to go through the TSA. The same is true for private ships. If you are going to the Bahamas, there are a lot of boats flying from Florida to the Bahamas, but I'm sure you will have to buy a ticket or pay extra for special processing, so it won't be too cheap. You might consider choosing an exotic location that is not far away but can also be driven by car. Can you simply use the doll as a cargo. Wrapped in a box and sent as a shipment. There are still Fedex or UPS to ship sex dolls to the destination hotel before travelling.

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Diversos Nina sexual japonesa have been shipped and received. We all know that UPS and Fedex can't handle goods as big as dolls. You will have to arrange a forklift or lift door at the destination and pay the person to unload. For security reasons, no one will accept the guest's crates at the hotel. (terrorism) must be brokered through the warehouse. You must also ship any handling equipment you need, such as a wheelchair or trolley. Then, of course, you will have a box to take up space. Or you must store it in any facility you live in. The cruise ship has the same security as the airport. I guarantee that you will be rejected immediately. Trying to carry sex dolls on a moving boat is also stupid.

2019-10-07 04:06:07

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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