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Una vagina per a nines sexuals separades és una bona opció



I think there will be another day to come where I seriously consider the second character doll. That is what is happening now. One decision I need to make is about sex dolls. And hope to get some of your thoughts. When I got Tanabe, there was no doubt (not in my mind) which direction to go. For me, plugins are a better choice for a variety of reasons, including general maintenance, cleaning and replacement, whenever needed. With the built-in vagina, it seems that limitations and potential problems will rule out this option - this is where I need some feedback. Am I thinking about something here? I don't know the benefits of the built-in vagina. Because if I do this, other factors will work, thank you in advance for your valuable comments. What is the best way to clean/dry dolls. I am worried that a strange smell will occur over time. Still not sure if I will accept this purchase of dolls.

Pell Aniversari TPE

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I may be a minority in this area, but most people will tell you to choose a plug-in vagina. Such a nina del sexe contains almost everything, is easy to clean, and can be purchased multiple to change the appearance. I bought a TPE doll with a plug-in and really regret it. I am more like a visual person. I don't like to see things that make people think it's a doll. Yes, I know, how about the seams? Nothing can be done, so I have to deal with this problem. The insert for my TPE doll is just a tube with holes. The jack on the doll has a labia, etc. When I put the insert in her body, it looks like a "hole in the hole." I have seen photos of sex dolls with inserts. You can clearly see the gap between the insert and the hole you put it in the sex doll.

2019-07-03 03:24:28

Can i tell them Probably not because they are some judgmental work, and they might laugh at me. Yes, they are just some stupid fools ... I leave it there because I want to growl. Those two sometimes make me angry. As far as my friends are concerned. My closest people are. A person met a real sex doll face to face. Men I usually prefer storytelling / performance.

At Josh's Christmas party last Christmas, Mia had met Dave. He is a handsome man with short black hair, light blue, and bright blue (almost silver) eyes. He has the endurance that Mia can associate with a dominant person (a type of alpha). At that time, she realized this in her brief interaction with him. His eyes have a way to attract people, and it is difficult to look at them. When she tried to make no money by herself, she had a feeling. She can't think of other ways to describe it.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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