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He estat pensant en aconseguir una nina sexual



Hello, this is my first post. For a while I have been thinking about getting a "sex doll". I have been looking around, I know there are many female dolls, I am very interested in male dolls. But the other thing is that all male dolls have athletes like appearances, I don't like any one. I have always liked male dolls, especially those with super realistic faces. I want to know if it is possible to find a doll company that can create a life like a doll. Lifelike means having a doll that still maintains the realism of the doll. Have a realistic body that matches a pretty, thin man (18-20 years old). Because I am short, I also like this doll petite (4 feet to 4 feet 2 feet). I hope it is super custom, because I have been looking around, I want to know if this imagination is really possible.

robot Transport. Porta el teu cotxe maquillatge

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You may want to consider offering any of the two nina del sexe manufacturers you mentioned about about one hundred that you may be running. By observing TPE dolls and silicon dolls, I prefer silicon dolls. For beginners, most buyers of these sex dolls have deep connections with the human body. They are very fascinated by the appearance of the human body, and they will only have one or a few for themselves. Therefore, when the buyer reaches out to pay the huge check, it is not only an obsession, but a deep fascination and desire for the human body. They look more realistic, and my other concern with TPE materials is that they are porous and do not work well at high temperatures. I live in a state that can become very hot and humid in a summer. Even indoors, unless I lift the ceiling fan and air conditioner at once.

2019-07-03 06:07:15

I like what she said in her signature: "Bring pain for my true friend and my false friend. I praise your attitude. I was mostly at that time, though not completely. In my opinion, this It's not someone else's business. My mother knew real sex dolls and met her. My father and sister didn't.

Sex dolls provide you with a partner so you can share the most important moments in your life without anyone seeming to care. Usually, loneliness keeps you away from people, and having sex dolls of the same size can help you feel loved and tolerated. Unlike your friends, sex dolls will listen, will never judge you, and most importantly, will always provide you with a safe communication space.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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