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Entenc quin tipus de nina sexual m'agrada



Most people here feel that sex dolls are very attractive. I understand what I like and I see the possibilities. Not a brick wall. I have a feeling that if it does a good job, in addition, this forum may not exist. Here, I emphasize that the word "most" is not all. Everyone has their own things. It’s just that my example goes beyond the original spark of sex. Anyway, this question for me depends largely on this erotic effect and my own personal taste. For example, I prefer to watch a passionate movie doll scene. Not a real erotic, or even a sexy actress scene.

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If I really want something erotic, I like nina del sexe. Because it is more attractive and has many forms. I can't let my chin leave the floor for an hour! That woman will not age. Like movies, comics and my favorite: video games. The only type that affects me like a doll, I have a bunch of special editions, it only covers those of the picture, roughly the size of my cat, I really like it from time to time. I don't think they are like most people. It is the art of celebrating women's body and human sexuality, which is the same way I see sex dolls.

2019-08-05 03:16:31

It is very easy to use, just clean the vagina of the sex doll with soapy water. Scrub the doll's mouth, butt and pussy with a soft loofah to make your love clean and hygienic. If you don't clean your doll properly, your doll's skin may be damaged, stinky, and may not be used for a long time. .

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