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Algú ha llistat alguna vegada les seves nines sexuals al barri



Ok. I didn't even have my sex doll, I had to put down my feet. No more clothes. I understand why women like to buy clothes. It's fun. Do not like to buy men's clothing. There is a famous saying there, and I can't count how many times I said during the waiting period of nearly 17 months. The damn doll has more than most of my drawers and wardrobes throughout the room. And she won't even exist. My man never cut off my clothes. If he had tried to sleep alone, on the ground, outside. Has anyone ever listed their sex dolls in the neighborhood saying they can't keep her.

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El nina del sexe wardrobe is three times my size. The clothes are of better quality and more fashionable than mine. I dressed these girls as "middle class." When I shop by myself, my only criterion is to find the cheapest price that I can find. Oh, it started to be innocent. I will buy some beautiful underwear from Frederick. Then you buy another doll, she must have her own underwear. Then there are sales and frequent buyers. Then there is your own store wing. I have been trying to figure out the name of your sex doll, or at least to think of a way of pronunciation.

2019-08-05 02:20:10

This is a good example, she is a very sensual and very attractive Asian doll. Your sex doll will be more fresh and flattering. Disease or bacteria (if any) will not spread. The skin of the sex doll is not affected. Your doll will be in the best condition for long-term use. You may never have seen a redhead in underwear, but a redhead silicone doll makes you want.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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Com cuidar les nines sexuals?


2021-05-25 22:47:14

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