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Com vivim amb les nines sexuals



To be honest, this is one of the best ways to really understand sex dolls. You can't really begin to understand it before you go there. The problem is that each doll owner has his own opinions and opinions about the toy owner's preferences and why they first own the doll. Some dolls are just for sex, a help for masturbation). Some dolls are for photography only, some dolls are used for both, some dolls are used for companies, some are occasionally masturbating, and some of us can be old or pretty and still have the same doll ownership value. We can continue to explain why we bought a sex doll and how we live with them. So a 15-minute doctor will only serve a pretty number of doll owners.

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Stay for a while and read more information about nina del sexe. Consider spending some time figuring out the type of doll you originally intended for the intended purpose, possibly a photography/partner. Then consider spending some documentary fees to get one. Get some clothes (just a little, don't over the top) and live together for at least a few months (initial is strange for some people, so plan to give it a little time). In all of this process, ask questions (materials, manufacturers, maintenance, purchase clothes) and make a decision. Chalk time and money as a cost of making a documentary. In this way, you can understand its content, and you can find some members who can “click” or even participate more directly. After all, if you don't want to keep the sex dolls you shoot. You still get some rewards and you will learn a lot.

2019-06-29 02:49:27

I personally think of being honest, or quote from Hamlet "above all this: your own self is real, it must be followed, such as the night, you can no longer fake anyone" My real sex doll is already open Seen at my house for many years. I have attended many parties and have guests and visitors. There are no particularly adverse consequences.

If you are lucky enough to find the doll you want in good condition, then go ahead! Payments are usually made via Paypal or bank transfer, but sometimes cash is also used if the buyer and seller are geographically located. You should be sure to talk about transportation and what to do in case of damage. Also, be sure to discuss what to do if the doll is not in the state described when it arrives. All of these are important to protect yourself as a buyer. However, despite the risks, the community is still a group of great doll lovers, from which you can purchase goods and objects with relative confidence.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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