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La gent pot portar nines sexuals més pesades?



In my research before buying sex dolls, I read some comments about people who couldn't buy bigger sex dolls because of their weight. I have a way to easily carry a heavier doll. This is where my training comes in handy. Have you seen a 120-pound guy throw a 200-pound person like a rag doll? There is a kind of Jiu Jitsu technique. A man is facing you, you turn to his ass and let your right hip face his chest. You put your right arm on his back (waist) and grab his right arm with his left hand. When you bend over, you now push your right hip into his body. His feet are now off the ground, and you will throw him to the ground. If you stop the technique midway, his center of gravity is on your hips, and you can hug him all day without any difficulty. I easily moved large and heavy objects (like my grandfather's clock). You can carry a heavy doll like this in your house without any problems or strength. If a 120-pound guy can use this technique to lift a 200-pound guy. Any one of us should be able to lift a 70-100 pound sex doll, hoping it will help someone.

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This may apply to stiff sex dolls, but the dolls are also very soft. You have to be careful about her skin. In addition, you must be careful about the head and feet of her arms, and when you walk through the house, they won't touch anything. We always say "plan your actions." When carrying a nina del sexe, make sure your path is clear, and when you get there, you have a place to put the doll. If you look at the stickiness of the top of a typical doll, it will help you carry a doll, maybe when you get a sturdy silicone or TPE doll, you will get a better understanding of what is trying to tell you. What you describe sounds like a good way to damage a tit, causing a tear in your jaw, a broken spine or an arm injury. Sex dolls are actually very fragile. However, this may last for many years when properly handled and cared for.

2019-06-29 03:42:02

And I know that most of us have to decide for ourselves at some point the best thing to do in life in life. At least until my new companion arrives, I don't plan to make my own decision on this for a period of time, which is worth pondering. I may have kept my real sex dolls as secret as I have for years, instead of spending a fortune.

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