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Has fet unes vistes molt bones de nines sexuals



Just to emphasize the words again. Don't underestimate the weight of the pretty sex doll. We used to look at people who talked about how big they are and how much they lifted in the gym, and then found that they really didn't get as good as the dolls came. This guy goes to the gym almost every day and eats very healthy, but he can hardly exceed 15 seconds. I added an extra 10 pound bag and he could barely lift it. Sorry, it must be strict, but it does need to be said. One person in my job knows that I have been to AVN in the past. I have told friends of friends. They let these sex dolls try to lift three 25-pound potato bags and carry them with them at one time.

Rebre TPE Pit

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You made some very good bonica nina sexual views. I spent a lot of time working for my grandfather before he died. I did physical work and I lifted my weight very comfortably. I am interested in a heavier doll because I like the "sturdy" construction that conveys more real weight. Although I didn't realize the inner weakness of the head, I noticed the fact that the doll would have weight. According to the website, their doll's skeleton is "very flexible and natural...not rigid or soft. We combine thick-walled electrical, flexible solid aluminum rods and heavy-duty nylon threads." By reading reviews and first-hand recommendations for sex dolls. I don't believe I can get close to the supplier, but of course I can investigate it.

2019-09-17 05:38:52

I am lucky to have a like-minded girlfriend. Yes, the choice will be difficult and I don't know how much I will spend on the Nina sexual japonesa. I want a mid-price doll. Is there a brand classification? Or which brand should be avoided? But now that I have seen a picture that is absolutely praised by his members, I never say anything again.

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