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Com és besar i tocar una nina sexual?

For many of our dolls, you can choose either detachable (similar to pocket pussy or meat lamp) or fixed vagina. We provide the depth of each doll's vaginal opening on our website. Be sure to choose a doll that fits your size.

TPE silicona Adquisitiu

Una resposta:

What is it like to kiss and touch a sex doll? The feeling of kissing is very real, her face is soft, her mouth will open, and you can put your tongue in to feel her. Yes, the doll will have tongues and teeth, and a deep throat. Modern TPE and silicone sex dolls make people feel "just like the real thing." They are soft to the touch and very realistic. Facial features and body parts are modeled by real women, and then usually enhanced according to your needs. Want bigger tits or a firmer ass? They are made the way you like.The breasts of sex dolls are soft and round, very squeezable, soft and lively nipples also have great butts! This is one of the most common ways people enjoy silicone dolls. Every female nines sexuals barates we sell comes with a fully functional vagina. 

2022-01-08 08:17:52

Why is it a sex doll? For a long time, sex dolls have been at the forefront of suppressing the loneliness of singles. These dolls also help to add interest and excitement to lovers in the bedroom. However, with the coronavirus pandemic, most people are likely to fall into loneliness and the worst "single" situation, depression. The same situation has happened in China since the outbreak of the epidemic.Whether your WM Dolls partner is trapped in another country or state, sex dolls are the best choice. Believe me! There are many benefits to using sex dolls. They include; sex dolls are very clean. Hygiene depends on the owner, as long as it is kept clean, everything should go well. After use, just quickly rinse with warm water and recommended detergent. More importantly, you don't have to wash the doll every time. Just use a clean damp cloth to wipe any visible dirt. Removable vaginal inserts are the safest and cleanest way.


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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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