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Orgasme a través de la nina sexual de la vagina

This leads to two similar questions, "Why aren't more women using sex dolls?" And "Why are so many men addicted to it?" "Some answers to this question are very practical. For example, only 25% of women can get orgasm through the vagina (this is one of the most fundamental reasons). And women generally think that the doll is too heavy, (female The weight of nina del sexe is generally 75 to 115 pounds.) Although most women are very shy when talking about this topic, the answers are similar, and they agree that the weight of the doll makes it difficult for them to move freely during sex. In addition, this may also be related to the difference between men and women masturbating.

In the study of sexual psychology published by British psychologist Henry Phillips in 1936, he wrote that during sex, men rely more on vision, while women rely more on imagination, and their pleasure often comes from touch. This view has been recounted. When considering individual differences, this view seems to explain why most Nina sexual japonesa and pornographic magazines are made based on men's sexual interests.

Most women are mainly concerned with the real touch, while men can like those simulated objects. When a man is having sex with a modern highly simulated doll, her silicone skin and facial expressions that are almost indistinguishable from real people can make men have another impulse. A high-simulation silicone female doll developed by him and the current production process and results of his current affairs published on the Internet. This public test of "self-made Nina sexual TPE" has attracted public attention, and many people have emailed to ask if they really have the same structure as the female body.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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