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Algú utilitza aquestes nines sexuals per actuar com a persones reals

A 61-year-old pretty business owner from California who is one of the few female members. Barbara recalled that she heard about the doll for the first time in a news article. In the news, someone used these nina del sexe to act as real people, so that they could get on the fast track. Later, she met David Cat on a show called "My Strange Hobby", and she got in touch with David Cat out of interest. "He welcomes me very much," Barbara said. "Although most of the community is male, they do not exclude me."

Barbara and her husband own four dolls in common. She told me that these dolls were only used for photography, but she did not object to the actual use of these Nina sexual japonesa. "Feminists seem to be frightened by these dolls, but this is very puzzling to me because I am also a feminist." Barbara said in an email exchange with me "They think these Dolls are materializing women again, because not every real woman looks as good as a doll. "

Indeed, many feminists are indeed worried that they will one day be better than these dolls. Feminists believe that materializing women in this way ignores the emotions and thoughts of Nina sexual TPE, and women seem to be seen more as a tool for libido. Sex dolls are objects, but strictly speaking, they are objects that can be owned. Usually, such objects are feminine.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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