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No confongueu la tela amb les nines de peluix

The fabric is also used to make bonica nina sexual. Although these dolls lack realistic skin-like touch, they do provide comfortable companionship. The orifices of these dolls are usually made of silicone and are detachable so they can be easily cleaned. However, do not confuse cloth with plush dolls. Plush material dolls are made of special materials, such as the materials you see in plush toys. Although these plush dolls can also have holes, they are better as teddy bears than as sexual partners.
The manufacturer will treat every order carefully and strive to deliver a doll with a customized appearance. You can choose the doll's wig, eyes, cosmetics, clothes, nails, shoes, etc. when ordering, and then choose the toy that best suits the doll of your choice.

It is also very easy to change the appearance of the doll after purchase. You can change the wig, eyes, makeup, clothes and other things of the nina sexual tpe. All these are accessories.

Therefore, from bones, height, weight to heating, these are the main characteristics of sex dolls. The accessories will be introduced in the following sections.

bonica nina sexual
Kendra was a flight attendant. She became famous for having sex with passengers and pilots. Although she resigned. Now she is looking for Mr. Right. She will spare no effort to satisfy men. During her time as a stewardess, she learned a lot of weird and naughty things. Will you be the lucky one to have her? She guaranteed countless night wildness.

Kendra is tall and has a sexy look that a man can't resist. Her perfect black body can accompany you all night. What position will you try with her? She is happy to accept your request!
Auburn is the luxurious nina sexual masculina of true connoisseurs. If you want a lady who prefers sex to shopping, buy one! Auburn, who is 157 cm tall, is lying in bed waiting for you, and can live out the dirtiest fantasy. Do you want to try a new position, or your real partner does not like anal? Auburn can bring you great fun. You can have anal and oral sex with her many times! She will never refuse to have sex with a man! Check the characteristics of this beautiful redhead:

She is a beautiful baby with a lifelike cat made of high-quality silicone. She not only looks real. When you enter her pussy, you will find it difficult to find any difference from humans! Just try, you will not refuse to choose her.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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