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S’utilitza goma per fabricar nines inflables d’alta qualitat

Before silicone dolls took over, rubber was widely used to make bonica nina sexual. The service life of rubber dolls is not as good as that of silicone, so more thorough cleaning is required. Rubber is porous, so bacteria may get stuck in the pores, which may cause bacterial infections. However, as long as it is properly cleaned and a material called phthalates (pronounced thu-lates) is not added during the manufacturing process, the rubber doll can be used safely. Phthalates can make rubber and PVC soft and elastic, but long-term contact is harmful to humans. Currently, rubber is used to make high-quality inflatable dolls.
As mammals, we are warm-blooded animals, so we can find comfort in a warm body. Cold and lifeless. Therefore, most nina sexual tpe owners like to heat them up before sex. They do this by covering the doll with an electric blanket before sex, and because silicone has thermal insulation properties, it will not lose temperature quickly.

bonica nina sexual

Taking into account the needs of consumers, doll manufacturers have proposed automatic heating dolls. The body of these dolls is integrated with the heater, so each limb of the limb can be appropriately heated. The temperature of these dolls mimics the temperature of the human body, and the heat is evenly distributed on the human body and each area is monitored separately. Silicone is resistant to high temperatures, so heating these dolls will not damage their materials. Self-heating dolls are energy-efficient and safe to use.
Elena is the kind of woman you want to have a romantic dinner in a gourmet restaurant. She is elegant, romantic, and personable. Elena loves to dance and enjoy beautiful music. In love, she is loyal and dedicated to her man. What else can you ask? Elena's perfection!

When you get home, Elena reveals another aspect of her character. She likes to have nina sexual masculina! Try anything with her. She is very experienced. However, Elena is always willing to try new things in bed, especially weird things. She is healthy and healthy. Therefore, please do not hesitate to ask her to spend all night making love. You have a surprise!
Gabriel is very realistic. Standing there, people would think he was a real man. Well, he must be too good to be real, looks and feels like there is a man in him. He is deeply steady on your sex hormones, has charming sexy eyes, and has a steady gaze. His lips are so real that they can be touched or kissed. His tongue feels like a tongue that drives you crazy with kisses, licks and magical oral pleasure. His muscular body is lying there, looking as hot as a man on the beach, allowing you to step and enjoy his satisfaction.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


Venda de marca de nines sexuals de Black Friday Col·lecció de compres en línia


2022-11-20 22:30:29

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