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El món de les nines sexuals s'actualitza i s'expandeix constantment

The world of sex dolls is constantly upgrading and expanding. A prototype doll robot equipped with artificial intelligence is right in front of you, and the cute plush toys meet the needs of humans for snuggling. As technology advances and the scope continues to expand, the available options will continue to increase.

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Una resposta:

The world of sex dolls is constantly upgrading and expanding. A prototype doll robot equipped with artificial intelligence is right in front of you, and the cute plush toys meet the needs of humans for snuggling. As technology advances and the scope continues to expand, the available options will continue to increase. Posted in TPE sex doll The person who buys the physical doll is not only an adult toy, but also a human partner, a football player. Is the Charles adult doll an adult toy or a human partner? Can it replace real people emotionally? Does its existence have an impact on true intimacy? In general, people worry that robot partners will reduce human empathy. Some people worry that misplaced emotional connections will have a negative psychological impact on disadvantaged groups. Finally, some people worry that when a person changes from sex with robots to human Nina sexual TPE, the use of sex robots will generate unrealistic expectations and generate interactive dynamics. It is one of the most popular sex doll brands in the world. They were founded in 2002 and are headquartered in Japan, but they also have offices in the United States and Europe. All of their dolls are high-quality (for example, very soft skin), and have a variety of customizability and functions; including some of the latest sex doll technology, such as movable hip joints. They currently offer 2 main doll series.

2021-11-11 00:58:18

Odorless material-no smell or strange smell obtained from other materials (if frozen or rubber) Compatible with water-based and silicone lubricants (unlike silicone dolls that are only compatible with water-based lubricants, but water-based lubricants are still the best ) Disadvantages Porous material-it is a porous material, which means it is a material with pretty pores, such as pores. This means that liquid may be trapped in the holes of the TPE, and if the TPE doll is not properly cleaned, bacteria and bacteria will grow in these holes.Cannot be sterilized-Porous materials cannot be sterilized in nature. Inflatable doll: The classic inflatable girlfriend has not changed much. They are usually still made of PVC, although many companies provide solid silicone heads, hands and feet. These dolls are useful for people with extremely limited storage space, but for those who are looking for fake companionship with toys, it's a bit too pragmatic. Inflatable dolls are strictly masturbating in nature; although they are the cheapest option, they do not meet the same needs of the other dolls on the list. For many arguments against sex robots, morality comes into play. Some people think that having Nina d'amor with female robots is a behavior that further regards women as objects in some men’s cognition. In addition, they feel that a person who is vulnerable to sexual assault or harassment will be stimulated by using sex robots to cope with their future negative behaviors. This may even encourage those who desire sex without consent. This is why many people worry about companies that produce sex robots in the form of beauty.

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