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La mida de la nina sexual depèn de diversos factors i prioritats

Such products need to be customized, you can contact us to exchange detailed information before buying. The blood vessels on the skin are sculpted on the skin with more advanced technology, which is not easy to fall off, but it is recommended not to wipe it with a wet towel.

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Each doll is sold at a high price, but the price is very worthwhile, and you will have fun from these dolls. Silicone sex dolls will make you forget that you want a real girlfriend because they feel so real. The silicone that the company uses to make dolls is very good, and it is not easy to be mistaken for WM Dolls, which is a good thing. Secondly, the biggest feature of this new doll is that it mimics blood vessels and has raised lines on the surface of human skin. In addition, there are pubic hair and dark areola, engraved with self-definition, closer to real people. Such products need to be customized, you can contact us to exchange detailed information before buying. The blood vessels on the skin are sculpted on the skin with more advanced technology, which is not easy to fall off, but it is recommended not to wipe it with a wet towel.

2021-12-07 03:50:03

When taking a full-body art photo, it looks like an ordinary silicone doll because of the retouching and lighting, but as long as you look closely, you will find that the blood vessels are so lifelike. Avoid disease sharing. Visit the quality assurance website to purchase quality dolls in various sizes. Always remember that this is a doll, not a primitive organ. The quality of sex is the quality of the doll. Try one of our sex dolls and you may be surprised by what you find. The size of the sex doll depends on various factors and priorities. Of course, you must consider storage and placement; if you don’t have space to store your sex doll, you will obviously encounter problems. Therefore, be sure to choose the size that suits your doll's size. For female Nina d'amor, you can expect a height of about 5 feet, but you can choose a smaller one if you prefer. For male sex dolls, the height range is larger, generally up to about 6 feet.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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