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La millor manera de configurar la càmera quan es dispara la nina sexual



You know the best way to set up your camera. It will shoot and focus on the doll while blurring the background. One of the main rules for image preservation (photo or video) is never done in post-production, otherwise you can do it with a camera. Unless you add effects that you can't do in real life, post-production of photography should be limited to color and(if using a live model). There is reason to think that the best photos don't require much or any editing work. For the past year and a half, I have been working hard to stop using photoshop. This is one of the main reasons why I no longer publish many images. I think most of the photos I took were junk. I won't hide my skills or lack a layer of skills behind photoshop. I looked back at the photos I took, only disappointment. This is very bad because I was very proud of them at the time.

silicona Fotografia TPE

Una resposta:



My recommended setting is to mount the SLR on a tripod. Why do you need a tripod? You will see it. Set everything to manual. Flash: Don't use it. It will wash away your theme, you won't need it, because your doll won't move. “But I always see professionals using flash when taking photos.” Yes, but what they didn’t tell you was that they spent an hour testing time to properly adjust the flash.
When shooting indoors, your lights won't change and your doll won't move, so once you've adjusted the settings, you don't need to adjust the settings automatically. Professionals use fairly inexpensive remote controls. But buy a camera manufacturer's brand name!
Shutter speed: You must adjust the brightness or darkness of the photo you want. Slower shutter speeds mean longer exposures and more light. Faster shutter speeds mean less light. Don't be surprised if your exposure time is 0.5 seconds or longer. In the photo, half a second is long. No one can stay perfect like this. But it's fine for your nina del sexe. That's why you need a tripod and your hands won't hold it perfectly.
ISO: Low 200-400. Higher ISO will produce graininess
F stop / aperture: I recommend using F8 or even higher. It gives the photo a true depth. As they say, "The camera has increased by 10 pounds." That's because the low F gear can make things flat. If you have two themes, like two dolls, it can also cause focus problems. Change the white balance to a yellow/red setting to increase warmth. Different SLR cameras have different white balance settings, so I can't tell you how to adjust it. Many times it is called the "outdoor" setting.
Shutter delay: Great for adding support. Even touching the camera with your finger can cause slight vibration. Therefore, the shutter delay will wait 2 or 10 seconds before taking a photo (depending on how you set it up).
White Balance: This is more artistic than any of the other settings I mentioned, so you must use the settings. Usually, most photos become too blue due to sunlight or LEDs or fluorescent lights. You won't see it at the time, but it will appear in the photo.

2019-06-11 05:47:03

We will use something that mimics the real feeling of a woman's vagina without actually leaving the rest of her there. For them, this is an inherent moral responsibility, otherwise they are declared to be too people-oriented. The first thing you need to decide is how much you are willing to spend. Selling between $ 3,000 and $ 4,000, you get top quality-any price above this price is usually used for custom versions and modifications.

Remember that introducing sex dolls into sexual relationships is a sensitive issue, so it's important to stay on track. Be loyal to the motivation to improve your sex life with your partner, and don't overemphasize the charm of the doll. Don't divert attention, only use sex dolls as a supplement. Therefore, please evaluate whether the doll is playing a role. If the doll is more useful in dating, you can hide it at will.

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