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Donant vida a la nina sexual japonesa

Pygmalion's story goes like this: A sculptor carved a beautiful marble girl statue. The girl's beauty impressed the sculptor, and he fell in love with her. He treats the girl like his wife, and decides never to marry a mortal woman. Every day, Pygmalion prayed to the god that the sculpture could become his wife, and he was moved by Eros, giving the Japanese nina del sexe life and making them husband and wife.

This Greek myth story appeared in a chapter in Ovid's epic masterpiece "The Metamorphosis" and gave Pinocchio, Frankenstein, My Fair Lady, and the 90s romantic light comedy Crush" and other works have brought a steady stream of inspiration. The true modern successor to Pygmalion's spirit may be someone like David the Cat: he lives with his three inflatable dolls in his home in southeastern Michigan. His first purchase of Nina sexual TPE, the other two— Elena and Muriel are his "close friends."

In the past or the present, those men who could not “become dependents” with the beautiful sculpture fulfilled the quirk of man-only, which seems to have been irresistible, by having sex with female-like TPE sex doll. In France, they are called "Mrs. Travelers" and in Spanish they are called "Miss Travellers". These dolls are woven by sailors with stitches and threads; now, the nickname of Nina sexual japonesa in Japan has become "Mrs. Holland" is also named after the hand-stitched leather masturbation dolls brought to Japan by Dutch sailors in the 17th century.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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