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Quan aquesta nina sexual japonesa és similar a Renxing

Smith wrote in his book, "The Germans call it (compassion) the transfer of similar feelings to other people, things. The obsession with own possessions is, in a sense, also a kind of narcissism or self-intoxication. . This is why there is something in common between nina del sexe and masturbation. These are not unrelated. Narcissism or not, such a relationship is destined to make people lonely. Smith pointed out that in this age of technology, with objects Establishing intimate relationships is no minority.

Think about you and your iPhone. You hold it in your hand, stroke or tap it. When you talk, you put it in your ear. It has become a part of you, your body. Extension. But when such a Nina sexual japonesa is similar to human behavior and related to sexual behavior, this becomes another matter. Owning a sex doll will cause many social and psychological problems. I am not sickening this group, but I do think that such behavior is dangerous and it will limit one's emotional intelligence development to some extent. "

Sarah Valverde addressed demographic and psychological characteristics of sex doll owners in his master's thesis in psychology. She said that in the study of Nina sexual TPE, most men expressed embarrassment and shame about having inflatable dolls. But contrary to the stereotypes of people, they are just as satisfied with their lives as normal people.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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