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Opinions sobre el tema de la mida de les nines sexuals



Most serious doll owners seem to prefer larger life-size dolls between 150 cm and 160 cm. Maybe the little doll lovers can't talk. I imagine that things below 100cm look like toys and are totally unrealistic. Even dressed and posing next to my bookcase. I have said before that my doll will never be used sexually. I am a person who loves to be clean. She will be more like a lovely comfortable bed companion. Anyone has an opinion about the size of a sex doll? Tall, short, big or pretty. Is it cheaper to have a cheaper 100cm doll. 100cm dolls can find the right clothes in the local department store.

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Someone bought a 140 cm nina del sexe and hope they have a bigger one. And vice versa, get a life-size doll and think it is too high or too heavy. I think the little girl is cute, but I need some realistic qualities. I have three dolls that cover almost the entire range. The biggest one is the average "real" height sex doll, which I use as a photo model. Because I have a pretty and petite woman's stuff, a Teddy baby's classic, 42 inches is as pretty as a real woman, perfect for hugging at night. For sex, I have a totally unrealistic size pretty rose, one of the 32-inch, smallest sex dolls. It makes my many unrealistic and unrealistic fantasies more "real".

2019-07-09 06:21:58

These are effective round blades that can cut out a pretty plug and leave a perfectly round hole, which means there is less chance of tearing later, but the hole will be permanent. Avoid using body piercing guns that are ready to use, as real sex dolls can even cause tearing of human skin. You will need a needle to match the specifications of the jewelry you are using.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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