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A la meva dona i a mi m'agrada la realitat de l'art de nines sexuals



In fact, I live in a subtropical region, and sex dolls are sticky for less than 5 minutes. It may be longer in a cool climate. I have two tubes that show such a short working time before they are set to be unavailable. Temperature control is always important when using silicones and adhesives. You may also have one or two old tubes. The shelf life on unopened new pipes is up to one year. It is almost a one-off product. Once opened, it can be cured in the tube. In addition, the working hours are short, only a few minutes, so there is no time to correct if needed. It's as good as silicon oxide, but it gives you more time to work and do things for repairs. If you change the lid quickly and seal it effectively, you can use it longer. Plus a pretty shipping fee. I will try it stupidly. These sex dolls are awesome. My wife and I like the art of reality.

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Sadly, it will be the one I want to use. However, a silicone rubber sealant can be used, and the nina del sexe work can be done well. I rarely use this adhesive to fix the patch. It is a strong fixative, a fast-curing, transparent adhesive. Sorry, it is expensive, but it is definitely a better choice for doll repair. The shit happened: my nut was defective last weekend. I have sent them an email asking for an appropriate replacement (guarantee). The company has sent replacement tubes, but today I have a new bonded tube - now in the refrigerator. Of course, the next app is coming soon. I can only say that it is a sex doll, this thing is really effective. Do not use it at night unless you want to stay up late.

2019-11-21 04:50:46

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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