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Buscant algú amb experiència amb pell de nina sexual



Has anyone had any experience with silicone doll skin tears? This seems to be relatively frequent, but of course no one publishes non-fixes they don't do. So it might be like TV news, only bad news. Curious, thank you. I can only talk about my experience with dolls, but that's how I feel about dolls tearing apart. Yes, you are an experienced boss who knows how to take care of such works of art. Many people here don't have your experience with this doll, including myself. Along with the beauty of sex dolls comes the fragility of dolls. Everyone should be aware that most of this doll's glue is easy to repair.

silicona seleccionar Adquisitiu

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My nina del sexe had been torn and kept tearing, but then I made love with her. Not as a work of art, even though I appreciate her art and appearance very much. Glue is easy to fix, but it doesn't seem to last that long, and maybe a "poll" would be a good way to find out who has or hasn't experienced tears and what percentage of them have, just as an idea. Not to mention the tremendous support you get from the doll's manufacturer. I'm just trying to provide glue to the truth for all the dolls I have, because that's what I can really tell anyone.

2019-08-23 03:47:40

And this has random results, especially because I hate flirting and temptation. For me, this phase is the most exciting, but I understand your point. I may think the same for you. I think it depends on experience and how easy it is to build social relationships, and everyone feels different. As far as I am concerned, it was at this stage that I suffered the most psychological distress.

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