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La vagina de la nina sexual a mida natural és molt còmoda

Realistic TPE Nina sexual masculina can easily arouse your sexual desire and are your best companion for bed rest activities. Specific skin color, appearance, areola and intimacy can meet your requirements. urdolls is a well-known supplier of TPE sex dolls, and many people order sex dolls from urdolls every day.

At night, in fact, the vagina of a realistic doll is the place that attracts the most attention. The vagina of the sex doll is very realistic and very comfortable to the touch. If you blindfold it, you can hardly notice any difference.

The best part is that they can hold any position where you are obsessed with life-size sex dolls. We provide you with the look and feel of a real vagina. Made of soft material, it feels like human skin in an anatomically correct way.

When we talk about the vagina, we are actually talking about the inside of the Nina sexual d'anime, which is the vagina barrel. There are two variants of the vagina-1. Built-in or fixed and 2. Replaceable or removable. Both of these are optional for every doll sold in our urdolls shop.

ninot transsexual i sexual

Fixed doll vagina: A fixed vagina has a more real sex feeling and a more real body shape. The reason for choosing a fixed doll vagina is mainly emotional, because it is owned by a real woman. The built-in or fixed vagina has a soft spiral ridge that can stimulate your penis, allowing you to immerse yourself in ecstasy while having sex with your love doll. .

Replaceable doll vagina: The barrel tube is smooth on the outside and easy to insert and remove, while the inside is tight and textured, which can bring sensory pleasure. The replaceable vagina has a removable 7-inch bucket, made of the same TPE material as your most authentic sex doll. The vagina is made of soft material, so you can insert it comfortably. You must also have a removable masturbation vagina.

Either way, our urdolls Nina sexual TPE can help relieve loneliness, anxiety and even depression. They are also made of 2 basic materials, check the difference between TPE sex dolls and silicone sex dolls.


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