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Una característica fantàstica per a les nines sexuals TPE i silicona

Dressing also requires some skill. When wearing underwear, you need to lie flat with the Nina sexual d'anime, bend your knees, and align your crotch. Put the underwear on her thighs, lift her hips and pull up. Putting stockings on the doll in the same posture will be very smooth. Dressing up your doll may be a bit tedious at first, but for a long time, many doll owners thought it was an interesting thing.

I think this is a great feature for TPE and silicone Nina sexual masculina. The hand is always fragile, so the hard hand option will better protect the hand from tearing and damage. No more finger lines pass through the hand. It prolongs the time the doll spends with you and allows you to spend more interesting time.
All our dolls are made of silicon or TPE. Both are surreal feelings. Our vagina is designed for pleasure, and it is designed to make you feel like having sex with a real person. This process works as you imagine. You place the doll the way you like, then penetrate the doll as usual and continue. The combination of friction and pressure feels absolutely amazing.

-----Ozawa - Nina sexual de silicona de 160 cm DL Nena tetona Primera nòvia amorosa Super maquillatge real---------

We are often asked whether men can do it in their dolls. The answer is yes. This is a very common practice, and our dolls are designed for this. Later, we will explain in detail how to take care of your doll after this part is over.

In order to prevent injury to your skin and enjoy the penetration of your penis through your vagina, anus, or mouth in the best way, make sure that the orifice is properly lubricated.

Most people choose to use lubricants so that their sexual experience is easy and enjoyable. If you do, always choose a water-based lubricant. Oil-based or silicon-based lubricants can damage your bonica nina sexual and cause staining. The use of water-based lubricants is highly recommended, because it is more hygienic, easier to clean, and is not as ubiquitous as silicone lubricants.



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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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