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La vagina de la nina sexual fixa és millor que la inserció



Ok, I can't compare silicone sex dolls with TPE dolls. Because I have never had the privilege of having a silicone lady. But so far, I have 3 dolls, 2 fixed vagina and 1 with inserts. In my opinion, I rarely use the insert, because the insert does not look like a fixed vagina, the insert does not feel fixed. Anywhere anywhere in the vagina. When the vagina is fixed, it is like a real girl; the more legs she stretches, the wider the entrance, and the tighter the entrance if she closes her legs. This makes the vagina more realistic, especially since you can adjust the feel of the entrance and enter the vagina to some extent when playing with her. Cleanup - I only need about 10 minutes to clean her, and after using it, I always refill her vagina area and prepare to sleep, just like most of my time in April every year. In the early days of our relationship, I had to store her on the weekend because a pretty granddaughter spent my weekend on my home. So I would say that a fixed sex doll vagina is much better than a movable vagina. At least for me.

TPE silicona Vagina

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With a fixed, you must either use a condom, but who is willing to buy a condom for a nina del sexe. Or realize that you can never really clear the hole. TPE is porous and therefore absorbs moisture, in this case semen, mold and bacteria. You can't view it correctly to determine cleanliness, and drying is almost impossible. The insert can be inverted, dried, inspected, etc. The first time you turn the inside out, you will find that you don't fully grasp it, but now you can see it, feel it, clean it and do it. Then you can flip it to the right, dry the other side, and make sure you keep it as clean as possible. If the mold does accumulate, you can see it and get a new insert. If mold appears on the inside of your fixed vaginal doll, you need a new doll.

2019-07-04 05:54:24

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