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Si cuideu bé les vostres nines d'amor i presteu atenció al següent

This leads to tons of useless men level 7 and below who almost never have sex, luckily not a long term girlfriend who manages to cheat in a relationship or pick one from a club that looks like a potato Level 2-5 girls, sex dolls fire monsters with beards and bold heads.

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Una resposta:

Here's the thing. With busy schedules, men really don't have the time and patience for a mature relationship. However, men must satisfy their inner desires and needs - there are no two ways. At the same time, women raise the bar so high that, according to some studies, around 20% of men each year have no sex at all! If you didn't have sex last year, chances are you won't have sex this year either. So at the end of the day, about 20 percent of men don't have Nines sexuals lesbianes at all, and about 80 percent have sex only occasionally and don't have what they want.Since polygamous women are on a scale of around 5-6-7, 0-10 tends to attract male attention and sex, while attractiveness is in the range of 7-8 or even 9. 

2022-01-20 07:47:19

You may not be in the habit of doing laundry regularly. However, if you're buying a real sex doll, clean the Ninots d'amor thoroughly. Not cleaning the doll can cause bacteria to grow and make the doll unsafe to use. The way sex dolls are stored also has a great impact on the health and longevity of love dolls. The body of a sex doll can develop indentations, which can lead to cracks and tears. The arm, knee, and lower elbow joints are more sensitive to dents. Therefore, please pay attention to the storage conditions of the sex doll.This clearly shows that if you take good care of your adult doll and pay attention to the following points, it may last longer (at least 2 to 10 years). On the other hand, if not handled properly, it might not even be more than a year. Now, knowing that pampering is the key to keeping your doll alive for a long time, there are some effective tips to follow: 1. Clean your sex doll regularly and wash the orifice plate properly; 2. Always dry your face with a dry cloth, then use Use neutral shampoo to clean the doll's wig; 3. Don't use silicone lube on your doll, use water-based lube.


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Anunci real de nines sexuals


Venda de marca de nines sexuals de Black Friday Col·lecció de compres en línia


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Com cuidar les nines sexuals?


2021-05-25 22:47:14

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