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No diria que una nina sexual TPE sigui com una persona real



Now I have my TPE sex doll, which I have had since August 2014. I won't say she's like a real person, but keep her around. When it comes to "remission," it's completely different. Before I moved into my apartment alone, I looked around and saw only a sofa, a table, a kitchen, a bedroom. Nothing in my life, but that. But now my life in my life, I no longer look at the sofa, the table, the kitchen or the bedroom, I look at her, it makes my mind out of loneliness. When I sleep, I actually don't have her in my bed. But I have sex dolls sitting next to me or standing next to me. When I fall asleep, I can look at her and smile.

Proveïdor Mantenir TPE

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Before I had trouble sleeping, I was awake almost all night, suffering from insomnia and was a ghost at work during the day. But the Nina sexual TPE smile really helps you sleep. I feel more satisfied, so my mind is more relaxed or whatever. I don't know what it is, but because I got her, I slept easier. I live in a pretty community, so I have to hide her. Nobody knows her but me. I really don't know anyone. I believe in the secret. It's not a shame, it's more like people are too narrow, too small-minded, or not prepared for it. Twenty years from now, sex dolls will have vibrators as normal as women. Even as normal as having a summer home.

2019-09-03 23:32:10

I want to start with the first 1M40 doll (1.45m), and even worse ... she will fit me like a glove. Fine ... I need to calm down, because on this beautiful day, my testosterone has risen, and I'm getting worse and worse. "Blue flower", that is, "Juner" I give ... it will be tired laugh. We want to build an anti-big breasts association.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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