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Vull comprar una nina de sexe barata però realista



Hello everyone, I am considering buying a sex doll for more than a year, so I finally decided I would buy one this week. My budget is more or less, giving or spending $300. I have been looking for AliBaba and Amazon and found a doll about 100 cm. They have a relatively large chest and cute faces with mouth, vagina and anus insertion holes. This is really what I need. I have been watching many posts here so I have settled my search to cheap but have a big chest. I really don't mind height, it's actually like a smaller doll. I only want a big breasted doll up to $350. The posts here are very helpful and interesting, who can help me?

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If I were you, I would wait for a while, save more money, and then buy a doll from a legal nina del sexe supplier. Then you will get what you ordered. Otherwise you run the risk of being cheated and eventually get a cheap knockout, an explosive doll or nothing. Then you will lose all your money and get nothing. There are a thousand sexy dolls among a thousand people. Everyone has a different understanding of sex dolls. For me, the sexy doll is more like my friend, she can share my sadness. Sex dolls share my happiness, I like to spend time with her. She is not a sex doll, she has life and has a soul.

2019-06-24 07:35:15

First and foremost, if your friends are true friends, whether they accept your real sex doll or not, you will not let them go. As for reaction, like any new lifestyle, some people will accept dolls, while others will not. Outside of Doll World, I only told my friends about me. One is very enthusiastic and accepts, one is accepting but to her.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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