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Com connectar una nina sexual a la dutxa?



This is how to connect a doll (with a neck bolt) in the shower. Of course, you must first suspend your doll. The first thing to remember is how you let her rest on the lap so you know how to pick her. Next, let her enter the bathtub, then step in and put her feet aside so you can put her on your lap. Replace the arm under the leg to support her back so that the other can pass the chain through the hook. Then slide the chain over and hook the other S hook while picking her up and hanging it in the center of the bathtub.

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Dutxa nina del sexe make it easier to wash off dirt. But you may find that some can't, or the doll has no neck bolts. If you hang her in front of the bathtub, then you can use your doll. There are many different ways to support shower dolls. One simple one is a doll stand with a plastic base. One thing I need to mention is that it is much easier to remove the wig when hanging or disconnecting the toy from the stand or shower. Then you can see the eye bolts and the hair won't block. This is common sense, and the fake is distributed in aesthetics. When taking a shower, remove the head or face and place a plastic bag with an elastic band on the neck so that water does not flow to the neck. Cover the rest of the bag on the neck bolt so that the water does not penetrate. After the doll is dry, you can put it in the bathtub so that the excess will stay there.

2019-06-10 07:18:53

Despite their incredibly realistic appearance, even the most advanced sex robots on the market today can hardly coordinate actions, have almost no personality, and have basic AI. It's important to have a deep understanding of Dolls before considering pricing. Uneducated owners often make costly mistakes that cause their TPE dolls to deteriorate prematurely.

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