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Com netejar la nina de silicona bruta?

Therefore, in order to ensure that the neck joint of the Anime sex doll will not enter the water. It is recommended to take off your head before taking a bath. You can put a plastic bag at the neck interface and wash your body separately.

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Una resposta:

First, silicone sex dolls can be placed on a bathroom stool or in the bathtub. Due to the risk of water entering the neck joint, once the water enters, it may cause the internal metal parts to rust and affect the use. Therefore, in order to ensure that the neck joint of the Nina sexual d'anime will not enter the water. It is recommended to take off your head before taking a bath. You can put a plastic bag at the neck interface and wash your body separately. When washing your body, use a mild cleanser, such as body wash.

2022-03-07 08:04:23

When cleaning the lower body unit, you can use the lower body washer that was delivered with your purchase. If there is a stain on your face, you can use a cotton swab to absorb water or a cleaning product and scrub slowly. Remember not to wash your face in a large area, although the makeup of the Nina de sexe de silicona is not easy to fall off.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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