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El preu de les nines sexuals actualment al mercat

Unexpectedly, this new technology has also set foot in the field of adult toys. The previously unknown ninot sexual d'anime have now developed into "sex robots." In addition to meeting needs, the most important thing is to add complex personalities and even communicate with people. A unit of the Netflix show "Global Direct" tells us that sex robots have gone beyond their original purpose, but provide a lonely soul. haven. The price of sex dolls currently on the market ranges from US$500 to US$5,000, and the price is not cheap. This is mainly based on production costs and transportation costs.

In the process of making sex dolls, a lot of raw materials are used, and the process of makeup is also involved. Not all steps can be completed by a machine. In addition, the weight of sex dolls is generally above 10kg, and the transportation cost is not low. The latest developments in the sex doll market now allow consumers to fully customize their dolls. Certain parts of the doll (such as the hair) can be modified to suit consumers' tastes.

This is because it gives consumers the ability to create dream mates, and also provides a longer lifespan for the love doll, because consumers can change the appearance of the doll as they wish. This story was translated by Rophi Humphriurdolls in 1955. The sculptor was desperate because of his disappointment with human relationships, so he started his partner. In the story, Pygmalion often touches Galatea, and he often doubts whether it is a flesh and blood or ivory.

This is undoubtedly the perfect choice for those who have lost hope of establishing a good romantic relationship with a real partner, or who do not have the necessary skills to establish or maintain a relationship, or who just want purer love. Other manufacturers began to use vinyl latex to make more realistic dolls, but the making and selling of love dolls is still an underground activity.

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In addition, advertisements for selling love dolls are limited to word of mouth and secretly distributing catalogs in male concentric environments such as brothels, barbershops, and bars. Take the head of the doll and carefully secure it to the rest of the body with the screws that came with the package. Finally, put the doll's wig on its head, and then put the clothes that came with the package on him or her.

A story in our country confirmed this view. A 70-year-old man was found to have a nines sexuals barates. After his wife died, he needed spiritual support. The similarity in appearance between Wawa and his dead wife made him take care of it like his wife. Their previous marriage had no beauty and no immediate family members, so when his wife left, his loneliness surrounded him and even led to depression at one time.

A company is even developing a head that can talk, smile and sing for its partner sex robot. Among them, the "Harmony" created by American Abyss claims to be the first sex doll to provide "emotional connection". Experts say that these professional robots will begin to appear in ordinary households in the next ten years.

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