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Les vendes de nines sexuals són tan calentes

Sex dolls are a derivative of the two-dimensional culture, so as the birthplace of East Asian two-dimensional culture, Japan has a natural event of ninot sexual d'anime. For example, a man decides to marry a virtual idol Hatsune Miku because he likes it so much. Compared with this incident, did you fall in love with the trivial matter of sex dolls? But everyone is still wondering: "Why do so many excellent girls, men choose virtual characters to marry?" According to experts, the emergence of sex dolls can be described as the right time.

In short, the sex doll shop is here, it is part of us. So, let us focus on market factors. For example, these spaces provide a free space for singles, which is safe and convenient for them. At that time, he ordered a sex doll for his show and promoted it on the live broadcast. Due to the impact of the show, orders for dolls increased significantly. Now, the company sells as many as 300 dolls each year, and each doll sells for at least $5,500.

I have to say that the company's income depends entirely on him. Volunteers once said: “They will face their own existence, or open the world, and go further.” And smart sex dolls can really add more color to their gloomy life. Technology makes people progress. Smart sex dolls are not scum. It only depends on how people use them. Although this topic will cause a lot of ethical discussion, it is the development of many robot developers. "

Robot Tpe Sex Doll Technology

Lonely wealth" is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for business opportunities. Solid Love dolls and artists. In the past, Ewa has successfully told stories about all aspects of life. When we know the artist who uses solid love dolls in June, we also need to look at the use Love dolls are examples of artists in different ways, in order to distinguish, we give love dolls an obvious connection to gender.

Of course, both are manufactured products. If these products are compared with rubber or plastic products, they are more environmentally friendly. This doll does not contain phthalates. Such dolls last longer, and most importantly, they feel better. Searching for "sex dolls" on Amazon, the results will show that there are more than 50,000 sex doll torsos, and you will see many beautiful "torsos": beautiful and delicate, carefully designed and made. Just look at the price, ranging from a few hundred to tens of thousands of yuan.

During last year's "Christmas" period, the urdolls store created a record of 1,500 individual Nina sexual de 100cm. It is conceivable that the sales of sex dolls are so hot because the monthly sales in the past were only a few hundred. According to the frequency of "sex" related keywords (sex toys, sex dolls, erotic underwear, dating apps, skills, SM, intimate sex positions) in search engine search volume, Portugal ranks first in the world, and the second is the United Kingdom.

The British are known for being conservative, unexpected, unexpected... they let themselves fly in the bedroom. Although companies in many industries were fortunate to move their businesses online at the beginning of the outbreak of the new crown virus disease at the end of 2019, industries that rely on live broadcasts still have difficulty adapting to new industry policies. Fashion and photography are the industries most affected. The insights of urdolls sex dolls indicate that sex dolls may prove to be a very effective solution and may play an important role in the future fashion industry.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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