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Experiència de lloguer d’un traster japonès per a nines sexuals



Just wondering if there are other solutions for public storage of Japanese sex dolls. How about the tree house. Still a bat hole. Sorry, kidding. There are two points to discuss our doll hobby theme with my wife / GF / etc. I don't have a link here, but I recommend reading these links eventually. You may find them helpful and may be very knowledgeable about other issues. None of us will judge, but many of us want to give you advice. Just remember that your situation is different from that of others. Then something that is useful to me or others may not work for you.

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I don't know if I missed this opportunity early. But with the experience of my own sex doll storage room. The biggest problem is the lack of heating or air conditioning, far exceeding dust or rodents, although these are reasonable considerations. Even the “climate control” unit can't even compare with the control system in modern homes, especially if the door is open to the outside. Insufficient light is the second biggest problem. It was just to store the Nina sexual japonesa and take it out again. The final problem is that the door is usually locked from the outside rather than from the inside. This not only makes personal use risky from a privacy perspective. And it is dangerous if it is stuck inside/locked inside in some way.

2019-10-11 03:52:16

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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