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Algú té experiència amb tatuatges per a nines sexuals



I saw a gorgeous sex doll, as I got it, with an awesome arm tattoo. I asked Abis, they said that these things are quite good, but will eventually decrease according to the number of processing areas. I want an arm band like this and a wanderer seal. So it may not be in the high traffic area of ​​the doll. I think my main concern is that it won't break it when it starts to look bad, without damaging the surface of the doll. Does anyone have a tattoo experience and how good is it? please tell me.

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You can customize it all from the nina del sexe manufacturer. You need to know that they will meet any of your requirements. I once customized a tattoo doll in urdolls, she gave me a great experience. Of course, the difference between them is also money, which means that a penny is a commodity. This is used here extremely. Imagine if we just want to keep ourselves from caring about quality. If you can do two guns, then we can buy inflatable products to save money, but if we can think of our long-term happiness, then we want to buy some quality products. There are even designs and even hymen. After all, the vagina of many sex dolls exists as a model simulator. So many people are very excited, so it is easy to improve their quality of life.

2019-07-17 22:39:50

Imagine the way he looks at you. This is how I feel at the moment. Just hoping ... I should have checked more to know exactly what was there, and then shut up. Sorry. I kind of saw the short doll, and that was the end. It just came to my mind, "Damn anime real sex dolls, lol." Like I said, that's not my business.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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