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Tens la teva pròpia nina sexual TPE a casa



I think this is normal for many voyeurs who don't have sex dolls. I think the key here is when the doll has the qualities that really appeal to you. Those feelings can and do change. People want honest answers. As you mentioned, I fully understand your frustration. For those of us, it is clear that a beautiful woman will be the most attractive, and for some women, it may be a realistic baby/newborn doll. I bring this up because there was a booth/table at a local craft fair I went to. There are some middle-aged women in it, showing a series of very realistic sex dolls.

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I have to admit that my first reaction was similar to the way you described how you felt about Nina sexual TPE. I felt sick and almost crawled out... And then a second later I said to myself... "Wait a minute. What do you do? You're being hypocritical here, you have your own reality doll at home "... The only difference is that my doll is a form that really appeals to me. So I went up and talked to the ladies and looked at their dolls, and I had to look at them again. They are impressive for a variety of reasons. They're made of silicone, but they're harder than our sex dolls.

2019-08-20 09:08:32

The doll didn't expect anything, as long as you are willing, you stay there very well. I have never experienced it with a real woman personally, maybe only one fifth is sweeter. In women, hugging is also important, but there are some sweet words to listen to and need protection.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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